To the high flyers and the moonlighters,
To the fashionistas and the functionistas,
To the lovers and the fighters,
To the travelers and the wanderers,
To the bourgeois, the techies, the hippies and the uber cool .....
Welcome to
the verve hotel @ ara damansara
happenings in & around
Sales & Services Tax (SST)
In line with the recent announcements by the Malaysian Government, the Sales & Services Tax (SST) will come into effect from 1 September 2018. All room charges will be subjected to a 6% sales tax.
J1000 Miles Sdn Bhd, the owner & manager of the verve hotel @ ara damansara, will issue a tax invoice indicating the room charge and 6% SST.

Stay & sleep in a work of art
where every room is adorned with an
exquisitely painted wall tattoo to
complement your personality and
each unique, all beautiful